Welcome!RThis wizard will help you to convert a zip file into a self-extracting file (SFX).ÿType the title of your SFX file.
The title will appear everywhere in your SFX dialog; if you leave this field blank, ZipGenius will use a default title.
SFX Title:ìChoose a language module.
By default ZipGenius has an English and Italian SFX module, but other will be added: check http://www.zipgenius.it. Language:&Cancel&Prev.&Next&StartSFX with AutoSetup.WYou can create a SFX archive that can autorun a SETUP program at the end of extraction.áThis archive contains a Setup Program.
If you want, you can force your SFX to run this program automatically, when all files will be extracted on end user's PC.#Do you want to enable this feature?&Yes&No